Willy Whitten with SATYR


Another One Bites the Dust
I have come to the conclusion that Craig McKee is a mole, in cahoots with Jim Fetzer.

See this:

Fetzer posted two comments there.They were answered by Marley Engvall:
marley engvall
April 20, 2018 at 12:24 pm
“why are you linking to junk website?”

Marley made a good response to Fetzer’s no-planes bullshit. Now McKee has deleted Marley Engvail’s reply!

Fuck Craig McKee!
Now Fetzer has posted two new comments on that thread. Both are disinformation propaganda. One is even disparaging AE911, whom Craig McKee supposedly supports. He even writes columns for them! But Craig lets Fetzer post this bullshit, and then he has no comment, no rebuttal, nothing.
McKee doesn’t even seem to be paying attention to the fucking hogwash Fetzer spews. Fetzer is trashing AE911, whom McKee claims to support, and even writes articles for them, yet he allows this putrid disinformation from Fetzer. McKee is either mind boggling stupid, or he is a willing participant in this disinformation and propaganda.



“The points adduced in this excellent review are consistent with–and in some cases reinforce–the summary overview I presented on The Brian Ruhe Show, “9/11: Who was responsible and why”, https://www.bitchute.com/video/E3YaOLqzcwzF/

. . . . . . . . . .

“A&E still touts nanothermite, after T. Mark Hightower and I demonstrated in 2011 (with 3 studies) that nanothermite cannot possibly have blown the towers apart, since it has only 1/13th the power of TNT (the international standard). A&E says something else may have been involved, but the same is true of toothpaste, which is non-explosive but could be made explosive by combining it with an explosive. To this day, A&E refuses to say what else that could have been.

And. like the Judy Wood DEW cult, A&E refuses to address WHO was responsible and WHY. I would suggest that a 9/11 research society that cannot explain HOW it was done and will not address WHO was responsible and WHY represents a limited hangout. I have laid the out in many places; see, for example, “On C-SPAN, Richard Gage leaves 9/11 Truth in a time warp”, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/09/on-c-span-richard-gage-leaves-911-truth.html

. . . . . . . . . .

“Just curious. May I ask why the last comment from Marley Engvail was removed? Thank you.”

. . . . . . . . . .

“I removed it because it did not address the content of the links posted and because it didn’t even specify which site he was claiming was “junk news” or why. Nothing about it was clear, and I did not want to begin the comments on the post with an off-topic argument about something that isn’t relevant.”


© Willy Whitten 2018


170 thoughts on “ELECTRONIC MEDIA

  1. Is Philosophy Stupid Richard Carrier Skepticon 6

    Goodbye to All That
    Over the past ten years I have published, in one venue or another, about twenty things on the philosophy of religion. I have a book on the subject, God and Burden of Proof, and another criticizing Christian apologetics, Why I am not a Christian. During my academic career I have debated William Lane Craig twice and creationists twice. I have written one master’s thesis and one doctoral dissertation in the philosophy of religion, and I have taught courses on the subject numerous times. But no more. I’ve had it. I’m going back to my real interests in the history and philosophy of science and, after finishing a few current commitments, I’m writing nothing more on the subject. I could give lots of reasons. For one thing, I think a number of philosophers have made the case for atheism and naturalism about as well as it can be made. Graham Oppy, Jordan Howard Sobel, Nicholas Everitt, Michael Martin, Robin Le Poidevin and Richard Gale have produced works of enormous sophistication that devastate the theistic arguments in their classical and most recent formulations. Ted Drange, J.L. Schellenberg, Andrea Weisberger, and Nicholas Trakakis have presented powerful, and, in my view, unanswerable atheological arguments. Gregory Dawes has a terrific little book showing just what is wrong with theistic “explanations.” Erik Wielenberg shows very clearly that ethics does not need God. With honest humility, I really do not think that I have much to add to these extraordinary works.”
    . . . . .
    The Philosopher’s Toolkit

    Click to access 4253_Philosophers_Toolkit.pdf



    • The Bell Curve is utter pseudoscience bullshit. It is proven that IQ can be increased by education. This alone shows that IQ tests are a bogus measurement of actual intelligence. There is only ONE race on this planet, the Human Race.
      Charles Murray is a racist, anyone who denies this is an idiot.
      IQ increases by about 2-3 points for each extra year of
       Developmental rate accelerates by about 1/3 of a
      developmental level for each extra year of schooling.
       Flynn effect: IQ increased by about 10 IQ points every thirty
      years since the beginning of the 20th century (total increase
      about 30 IQ points over the 20th century).
       Flynn effect halted in Northern Europe, just started in Africa.
       Chinese children are faster in visual pattern recognition, they
      have larger working memory, higher gf, and cognizance,
      because of learning the logographic writing system.


  2. What is “God”?
    This depends on what the definition of God is. If we define God simply as Transcendent Being and add no further assumptions, Yes there is Transcendent Being. I KNOW this by personal transcendental experience: Revelation.
    There is a distinction between “belief” and “knowledge”. Belief is based on faith in something you do not know.
    Knowledge is manifest personal experience.
    There is no dogma, no rules, no advice, there is simply knowing. Nothing more can be said in language, for language is Metaphor. And like is not. For the Time Being there is psychological projection of assumptions about the material world of time and space. For the Transcendental Being there is the Eternal Now.
    [1≡∞] Ta Panta Nous — The All Mind.
    Paradox divides the whole. There is only ONE which cannot be divided.


    • sqlblindman claimed that the Big Bang Theory, is not a theory of how the universe began, but the physics of the universe as it is today. This is not true according to modern cosmology:
      “The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.


      He has made assertions of arrogant certainty that are in fact no more than subjective personal opinion.
      God cannot be proven nor disproven by empirical evidence. It is entirely subjective.
      sqlblindman’s entire epistemic structure is skewed by hubris and the pretence that he can hold certainty on matters of ultimate questions.

      He lives in a small slice of time and space as a mortal being with a limited lifespan, and yet pretends to understand eternity. He denies all things spiritual as if the material world is not merely an abstraction of neural activities transmitted by nerve endings of the senses of sight, touch, smell, and taste.
      He arrogantly calls any who disagree with him an “idiot” as his last defensive strategy.
      He spews specious rhetorical sophistry in lieu of reasoned argument, then claims victory while crowning himself with a nonexistent laurel wreath. His is the burlesque of rationality attired in harlequin dress.
      . . . . .
      (Bruce Lindman, aka sqlblindman — Ohio, United States)
      . . . . .
      See: YouTube — Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles • Can we have meaning without God?


      • Order & Chaos
        Some posit that it is the fear of death that is at the heart of religious belief. I think it is deeper than that. I think it is the fear of chaos, the fear of pathos. the fear of insanity. I have been listening to the lectures of Jordan Peterson. He is a clinical psychologist who speaks to the value of the Biblical myths, and his point seems to be at the core of it that it is the pathology of chaos that religion helps to mend. Sanity seems to be a balance of chaos and order. Too much order and you end up with totalitarianism. Too much chaos and you end up with madness.

        There are keys to this in the art of David Lynch, who is able to bring on the direct raw experience of pathos in his films. If you watch ERASERHEAD, you will experience this raw pathos most immediately and directly. His other films, such as Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet , and Twin Peaks build up slower but bring you to the same place of deep direct experiential pathos.

        Ritual seems a path towards an ordered mind. But there is always the danger of dogma and authoritarianism if one falls too deeply into the trance states that ritual can induce. As I already said, sanity is a balance of order and chaos.


      • Christos as Allegory
        Christos – Alignment
        The Key to the alignment of the tumbler of the lock on the door to Eternal Transcendent Being.



  3. The Descriptive and the Normative
    • Let’s start with a simple example of the descriptive and normative tasks in thinking: Imagine we have a bat and a ball. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. Together, they cost $1.10.
    How much does the ball cost? Many people give 10 cents as the answer. That’s the descriptive side of the story.
    • But if the ball costs 10 cents, and the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball, then the bat will cost $1.10, and the bat and the ball together will cost $1.20, not $1.10. Even if you saw that immediately, it’s likely that the first figure that popped into your head was 10 cents.
    • There are two normative lessons to draw from this example. The first is that the intuitive and immediate answers we jump to are often wrong. The second is that it’s easy to do better. In this case, to do better, we just need to check the first answer. If the total is $1.10, then the ball must cost 5 cents.

    Click to access 4253_Philosophers_Toolkit.pdf


  4. The Fibonacci Code
    The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so forth.

    Sang Real

    Da Vinci – The Last Supper
    Look closely at the person sitting to the right of Jesus… that is Mary Magdalene.

    Here’s the list of the people eating the last supper, as they’ve traditionally been identified, from left to right:

    James Minor
    Jesus is, of course, in the middle
    James Major
    Some have claimed that John isn’t John…that Leonardo actually painted a woman there, and that the woman is Mary Magdalene.


    • The Chalice and the Blade
      The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler is an international bestseller first published in 1987 and now in 26 foreign editions, including most European languages as well as Chinese, Japanese, Urdu, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish. The book introduces a new conceptual framework for studying social systems that pays particular attention to how a society constructs the roles and relations between the female and male halves of humanity. It proposes that underlying the long span of human cultural evolution is the tension between what Eisler calls the dominator or domination model and the partnership model. The book traces this tension in Western culture from prehistory to the present, and closes with two contrasting scenarios for the future. It challenges conventional views about cultural evolution.
      The domination model ranks man over man, man over woman, race over race, and religion vs. religion, with difference equated with superiority or inferiority. This model consists of an authoritarian structure in both family and state or tribe, rigid male dominance, and a high degree of abuse and violence. The partnership model consists of a democratic and egalitarian structure in both the family and state or tribe, with hierarchies of actualization where power is empowering rather than disempowering (as in hierarchies of domination). There is also gender partnership and a low degree of abuse and violence, as it is not needed to maintain rigid top down rankings.


    • The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
      The Gospel of Mary is found in the Berlin Gnostic Codex (Papyrus Berolinensis 8502). This very important and well-preserved codex was discovered in the late-nineteenth century somewhere near Akhmim in upper Egypt. It was purchased in Cairo in 1896 by a German scholar, Dr. Carl Reinhardt, and then taken to Berlin.

      The codex (as these ancient books are called) was probably copied and bound in the late fourth or early fifth century. It contains Coptic translations of three very important early Christian Gnostic texts: the Gospel of Mary, the Apocryphon of John, and the Sophia of Jesus Christ. The texts themselves date to the second century and were originally authored in Greek.

      Despite the importance of the discovery of this ancient collection of Gnostic scriptures, several misfortunes including two world wars delayed its publication until 1955. By then the large Nag Hammadi collection of ancient Gnostic writings had also been recovered. It was found that copies of two of the texts in this codex – the Apocryphon of John, and the Sophia of Jesus Christ – had also been preserved in the Nag Hammadi collection. These texts from the Berlin Gnostic Codex were used to aid and augment translations of the Apocryphon of John and the Sophia of Jesus Christ as they now are published in Nag Hammadi Library.

      But more importantly, the codex preserves the most complete surviving fragment of the Gospel of Mary – and it is clear this named Mary is the person we call Mary of Magdala. Two other small fragments of the Gospel of Mary from separate Greek editions were later unearthed in archaeological excavations at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. (Fragments of the Gospel of Thomas were also found at this ancient site; see the Oxyrhynchus and Gospel of Thomas page for more information about Oxyrhynchus.) Finding three fragments of a text of this antiquity is extremely unusual, and it is thus evidenced that the Gospel of Mary was well distributed in early Christian times and existed in both an original Greek and a Coptic language translation.

      Unfortunately the surviving manuscript of the Gospel of Mary is missing pages 1 to 6 and pages 11 to 14 – pages that included sections of the text up to chapter 4, and portions of chapter 5 to 8. The extant text of the Gospel of Mary, as found in the Berlin Gnostic Codex, is presented below. The manuscript text begins on page 7, in the middle of a passage.

      Further Introductory Material

      We highly recommend Karen King’s new translation with extended commentary, The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle. The Gospel of Mary is also included, along with a useful introduction, in the International Edition of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures.


  5. Hawking & Penrose have now rejected the Big Bang…. good for them, I always insisted it was absurd thus:
    “In the beginning there was nothing … and then it exploded.” That is obvious bunk, like God saying “the word”, as an explanation for the “Beginning” — the was NO BEGINNING. The Universe is eternal. There is ONE universe no matter how many times you attempt to divide it with specious rhetorical bullshit “theories”. If there are a thousand “multiverses” they still all add up to ONE single universe.
    It is like a multitrack sound recorder, you have multiple tracks (or channels) you mix a song by turning up the pots on the tracks you want to hear, and turning down the tracks you want to silence. — THAT is called “freedom of choice” in the physical universe.
    All tracks at once create “White Noise” — the allegory in metaphysics is “Seeing the Light” – The pure white light of transcendent consciousness.
    [1≡∞] Ta Panta Nous – The All Mind.
    Paradox divides the whole – there is only ONE which cannot be divided.

    Penrose Diagram

    Liked by 1 person

  6. According to the Book of Exodus; the dimensions and characteristics of the Ark of the Covenant are 2½ cubits in length, 1½ in breadth, and 1½ in height which is approximately 131×79×79 cm or 52×31×31 in.

    The entire Ark was plated with gold, and a crown of gold was put around it. Four rings of gold were attached to its four feet, two on each side and through these rings staves of shittim-wood plated with gold were placed to carry the Ark. these were never to be removed. A golden cover was placed above the Ark; also called kapporet. Interestingly, there are numerous researchers that suggest if the construction details of the Ark are those which were recorded in the past, then the ark would basically resemble an electrical capacitor with two electrodes separated by insulator drivers.
    2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (45 inches by 27 inches by 27 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King’s Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.”


  7. The Real McCoy

    Elijah J. McCoy (May 2, 1844 [2] – October 10, 1929) was a Canadian born African American inventor and engineer who was notable for his 57 U.S. patents, most having to do with the lubrication of steam engines. Born free in Canada, he came to the United States as a young child when his family returned in 1847, becoming a U.S. resident and citizen.–Wiki
    Also see:



    “It seems I’ve done something to upset Richard Carrier. Or rather, I’ve done something to get him to turn his nasal snark on me on behalf of his latest fawning minion. For those who aren’t aware of him, Richard Carrier is a New Atheist blogger who has a post-graduate degree in history from Columbia and who, once upon a time, had a decent chance at an academic career. Unfortunately he blew it by wasting his time being a dilettante who self-published New Atheist anti-Christian polemic and dabbled in fields well outside his own; which meant he never built up the kind of publishing record essential for securing a recent doctorate graduate a university job. Now that even he recognises that his academic career crashed and burned before it got off the ground, he styles himself as an “independent scholar”, probably because that sounds a lot better than “perpetually unemployed blogger”.

    But in the minds of New Atheist true believers, far from being a failed academic (and more recently, thanks to some rather dubious life choices, itinerant beggar), Carrier is a towering figure of vast historical wisdom. This is because if there is a tenet of New Atheist Bad History that needs defending, Richard Carrier is usually there to help. Not surprisingly, Carrier is therefore a leading proponent of the Jesus Myth thesis, though given that this is a topic held in dismally low regard by real academics and one peddled mainly by cranks and loons, that’s not much of an accolade.

    Two years ago Carrier brought out what he felt was going to be a game-changer in the fringe side-issue debate about whether a historical Jesus existed at all. His book, On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt (Sheffield-Phoenix, 2014), was the first peer-reviewed (well, kind of) monograph that argued against a historical Jesus in about a century and Carrier’s New Atheist fans expected it to have a shattering impact on the field. It didn’t. Apart from some detailed debunking of his dubious use of Bayes’ Theorem to try to assess historical claims, the book has gone unnoticed and basically sunk without trace. It has been cited by no-one and has so far attracted just one lonely academic review, which is actually a feeble puff piece by the fawning minion mentioned above. The book is a total clunker.”


  9. A Theoretical Physicist is merely a philosopher, using “physics” as a false claim. And they are not very good at philosophy either.
    [1≡∞] Paradox divides the whole. There is only ONE which cannot be divided. It is impossible to divide infinity. It would of necessity be dividing by an arbitrary unit, If one divides infinity in half, one still has infinity
    You cannot add to nor detract from infinity because of the First law of Thermodynamics..

    There go the maths of ‘Theoretical Physics’


    • Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître , RAS Associate[1] (French: [ʒɔʁʒᵊ ləmɛ:tʁᵊ] (About this sound listen); 17 July 1894 – 20 June 1966) was a Belgian Catholic Priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Leuven.[2] He proposed on theoretical grounds that the universe is expanding, which was observationally confirmed soon afterwards by Edwin Hubble.[3][4] He was the first to derive what is now known as Hubble’s law and made the first estimation of what is now called the Hubble constant, which he published in 1927, two years before Hubble’s article.[5][6][7][8] Lemaître also proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe, which he called his “hypothesis of the primeval atom” or the “Cosmic Egg”.[9]

      The Myth of the Big Bang
      1. The Myth of the Big Bang: When Religion Masquerades as Science

      Until the late 1930s, most scientists, including Edwin Hubble, believed the universe was infinite, extending “indefinitely both in space and time” -Hubble (1937). An infinite universe has no “creator” because it was not created. By contrast, Big Bang theology is predicated upon the Biblical belief in creation, which implies a creator, and thus a creator god. In fact, the Big Bang was proposed by a Catholic priest who wanted to make the Bible scientific (Lemaitre 1927, 1931a,b).

      In Big Bang theology the universe was created through unknown mechanisms for unknown reasons which cannot be explained by science. Nor can the advocates of the Big Bang explain why the universe had a beginning, and, they are forced to ignore the obvious: what existed before the beginning? How did the beginning begin? What caused the Big Bang creation event? Quantum physics, classical physics, particle physics, general relativity, and so on are completely unable to even address these questions. No facts, no evidence, no theories, not even a reasonable scientific hypothesis has been put forward to explain why the universe should have had a beginning or what caused the so called “Big Bang.”

      Because the very foundations of this theory cannot be explained by or are contrary to physics, the acolytes of Big Bang theology claim the laws of physics did not yet apply, before and at the moment of the Big Bang, and this is because these laws had not yet been created. Therefore, the standard Big Bang explanation is the “Universe was self-creating.” However, this is not science, but theology. Belief in the absence of evidence and in the face of disconfirming evidence, is not science, but the domain of faith which belongs to the realm of religion. In fact, the Judeo-Christian religion employs identical terminology when describing “god” as the creator; that is, “god the creator became god the creator at the moment of creation, and thus god is self-creating.”

      The nature of the average human brain and mind requires endings and beginnings and no one can comprehend what they cannot comprehend. For millennia the quest to understand the mystery of existence and the beginning and the end, has been exploited by various religions offering miracles and supernatural explanations which promise to reveal the “divine plan.” Thus we are told the universe was created, and it this mystical construct which provides the supernatural foundations for the myth of the Big Bang.

      “The universe was created out of nothing…and one which has an underlying, one might say ‘supernatural’ plan.” -Arno Penzias Nobel Prize for Physics in 1978 for discovery of the cosmic background radiation of the ‘big bang.”
      Not only are the acolytes of the Big Bang religion unable to scientifically explain the beginning but data marshaled in support of a Big Bang universe are predicated upon phantom energies and invisible undetectable substances (Bhattacharjee, 2010; Caldwell and Kamionkowski, 2009; Huan et al., 2010; Jamil. 2010; Perlmutter, 2003; Santos et al., 2010) which can’t be explained by a coherent all-inclusive scientific theory. Rather than coherent mutually supportive data which can be tested and falsified, advocates instead change their parameters to nullify falsification, and rely upon simulations, interpretations based on questionable assumptions, ad hoc theorizing, constantly adjusted theoretical appendages, and estimated distances and ages relative to an Earth-centered geo-centric universe as dictated by the Jewish-Christian Bible and Catholic religion which for almost two thousand years placed Earth at the center of the universes. Therefore, data marshaled in support of the Big Bang place Earth at the center of the universe, with claims of age, distance, expansion, acceleration all relative to where the Earth is now (Perlmutter et al., 1998; Schmidt et al., 1998).


      • The Cosmological Principle
        The cosmological principle is first clearly asserted in the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) of Isaac Newton.[dubious – discuss] In contrast to earlier classical or medieval cosmologies, in which Earth rested at the center of universe, Newton conceptualized the Earth as a sphere in orbital motion around the Sun within an empty space that extended uniformly in all directions to immeasurably large distances. He then showed, through a series of mathematical proofs on detailed observational data of the motions of planets and comets, that their motions could be explained by a single principle of “universal gravitation” that applied as well to the orbits of the Galilean moons around Jupiter, the Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the Sun, and to falling bodies on Earth. That is, he asserted the equivalent material nature of all bodies within the Solar System, the identical nature of the Sun and distant stars and thus the uniform extension of the physical laws of motion to a great distance beyond the observational location of Earth itself.
        . . . . .
        The cosmological principle implies that at a sufficiently large scale, the universe is homogeneous. This means that different places will appear similar to one another, so sufficiently large structures cannot exist[clarification needed]. Yadav and his colleagues have suggested a maximum scale of 260/h Mpc for structures within the universe according to this[which?] heuristic. Other authors have suggested values as low as 60/h Mpc.[10] Yadav’s calculation suggests that the maximum size of a structure can be about 370 Mpc.[11]

        A number of observations conflict with predictions of maximal structure sizes:

        The Clowes–Campusano LQG, discovered in 1991, has a length of 580 Mpc, and is marginally larger than the consistent scale.
        The Sloan Great Wall, discovered in 2003, has a length of 423 Mpc,[12] which is only just consistent with the cosmological principle.
        U1.11, a large quasar group discovered in 2011, has a length of 780 Mpc, and is two times larger than the upper limit of the homogeneity scale.
        The Huge-LQG, discovered in 2012, is three times longer than, and twice as wide as is predicted possible according to these current models, and so challenges our understanding of the universe on large scales.
        In November 2013, a new structure 10 billion light years away measuring 2000-3000 Mpc (more than seven times that of the SGW) has been discovered, the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, putting further doubt on the validity of the cosmological principle.[13]
        In September 2016, however, studies of the expansion of the Universe that have used data taken by the Planck mission show it to be highly isotropical, reinforcing the cosmological principle[14]

        Perfect Cosmological Principle
        The perfect cosmological principle is an extension of the cosmological principle, and states that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic in space and time. In this view the universe looks the same everywhere (on the large scale), the same as it always has and always will. The perfect cosmological principle underpins Steady State theory and emerges from chaotic inflation theory.[15][16][17]


  10. Deism
    belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism). belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.

    Equivalently, Deism can also be defined as the view which posits God’s existence as the cause of all things, and admits its perfection (and usually the existence of natural law and Providence) but rejects divine revelation or direct intervention of God in the universe by miracles.

    Nature Revealed Before Science – sculpture by Barrias


  11. Desiderata
    “You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.”

    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata,(1952)


  12. ‘Now is the moment of power’~Seth

    You know what you’re here for, you’d sing it if you had the chance.
    The world is the music and life is the dance.



  13. Everything is a Lie

    “Understanding the nature of our true own inter-dimensional Self and the true history of the human races. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

    The main purpose of this channel is not entertain people with historic curiosities, but to make them aware why exactly we were made to believe a fairy tale to be our real history – to deprive us of the most important knowledge we may ever posses – how to consciously manipulate the reality around with the power of our thoughts and intentions. We will not develop this skill simply by waiting for the “causeless” mercy of invisible Gods or by childishly limiting ourselves to oversimplified formulas like the famous “law of attraction”. Truth and freedom will be attained as we start to directly perceive our multidimensional nature”~Max Igan

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Via Del Luz is the Camino Real…(The Way of Light is the Royal Path)

    8637 Via Del Luz, El Cajon, CA 92021
    This is the last house I and Linda (Psychoslut) lived in while we were in California.
    The trip to Purgatory was beautiful. The desert was abloom like I have never seen it before that year (2003).
    As I have said before, when we arrived in Thomasville Georgia, it seemed like l had fallen into Purgatory. I envisioned that we had actually died in a car accident going over the bridge at Sulphur Louisiana, just east of Lake Charles, (where I had lived in the late 1960’s.)
    It seemed like one of those “Full Circle” sequences we experience in life.
    It took several years for that feeling of being half-dead to lift.
    I don’t think I fully recovered from that trip until I arrived in Princeton via that detour to Sharlene’s in North Carolina (2008).
    What a crazy era that was!

    The Via Del Luz house had a grass lawn and a bed of ivy in front of the garage. I actually built the redwood fence and gate that went to the back yard. The upper story was my art studio in the front and a library room in the back.
    Menopause hit Linda really hard early, she was about 48. She literally lost her mind. She was close to the edge her whole life. She despised her mother and when she grew older and looked just like her mother, it simply drove her over the edge. She actually was a psychopath in my opinion. Very intelligent and enigmatic, so charming, but it was just an act. She was a real go-getter, had to be the best at anything she did. My whole problem with her is that she would not accept me as I am, but wanted to change me into her own image of what I “should be”. And she insisted that one of us had to be the boss. I wasn’t interested in being her boss. So she became my boss!
    The main thing was what a learning experience the whole trip was. When you realize that you are the one who set yourself up for such a horrorshow! And you finally look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘Now what the fuck was that all about?!?!’ — Yea, when you get that, you really get a line on who you really are.


  15. Tile inset on Marilyn Monroe’s patio.

    Cursum perficio

    Cursum perficio.

    Verbum sapienti:

    quo plus habent,

    eo plus cupiunt.

    O post nubila, Phoebus.


    I’m ending my journey
    I’m ending my journey.
    A word to the wise:
    the more people have,
    the more they want.
    Oh, after the clouds, [comes] Apollo.



    Published: August 8, 2018

    Adherents to both sides of the false dichotomy are increasingly okay with silencing speech and ideas that conflict with their own. What this represents is a bipartisan war on free speech as both factions lust after control of the power institutions that create and perpetuate the divide and conquer struggle for that authority in the first place.

    Worse still, companies like Facebook, Google, and Youtube, which is now owned by Google, are aligned with intrusive government agencies and policies that regulate speech and expression on the internet — whether it’s these platforms working with government to monitor speech, colluding to install backdoors for spy agencies to access users’ private data, or Google having roots with the CIA and NSA. Further, we may not know the extent of just how much shadowy levers of government dictate platform’s decisions to allow or ban users and pages, but it has happened and will likely continue.

    At the same time, public opinion is creating demand for these kinds of crackdowns. It may be true that Facebook is a “private” platform, but the reality is that whether it’s Facebook banning Jones or Disney firing Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, who was critical of conservatives, they are, at least in part, responding to the public’s intolerance of ideas and opinions that don’t align with their own — and this intolerance is directly linked to people’s views on government and politics.

    Aside from ever-encroaching state and corporatist power, the biggest problem is that due to people’s dogmatic, programmed, and evidently fragile beliefs on both sides — views emboldened by government and “acceptable” media outlets — the people themselves are condoning the suppression of ideas and speech, and this further cements consent for government and corporatists to continue doing just that, fueling an ever-worsening cycle specific to neither left nor right.
    . . . . . . .

    In the past two weeks a handful of major services like YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify decided to ban the conspiratorial Infowars and Alex Jones from their platforms. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) applauded the move.
    “Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) August 6, 2018

    While most agreed that Jones’s rhetoric is not their cup of tea, both liberals and conservatives condemned the social media platforms for stifling his constitutional freedom of expression, noting that it was setting a “dangerous precedent.” Other concerned individuals shared those same sentiments on Murphy’s Twitter account, accusing him of “hating” the First Amendment.

    The Washington Examiner editorial board, who concluded that when Murphy says “lies,” he “really means opinions he wants stamped out,” suggested the senator get a taste of his own medicine.


  17. ‘This is the End’ – ‘Oedipus Rex’ – Revelation Through Excess

    Now, I know y’all are wanting to think that there is some grand, profound Meaning to all of this. But this is not the way it is. Actually we are all just making it up as we go.

    You know I don’t care which way the wind blows
    Really doesn’t matter to me
    I see them running’round jumping up and falling down
    Look a little closer you’ll see.

    A wink at the looser
    A prize for the winner
    And a dollar for the girl pulling down her knickers
    A finger in the icing while the cake’s still baking
    It’s cash on the line or it’s just my time that you’re wasting

    I say go-go-go free your mind and let it go
    Let your real nature come out
    Don’t tell me no-no-no that’s too easy
    Because that is how I live without a doubt

    You know what you’re here for
    You’d sing it if you had the chance
    The world is the music and life is the dance



  18. Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition

    Social Media’s “Terms of Use” can disparage the First Amendment because it is a matter of corporate terms — NOT government. Even though it is a corporatist system where there is no longer a boundary between between the two concepts: They are on and the same.

    The main use of Social Media by the System has been to give the subjects of the system a medium wherein they would unwittingly create their own personal dossier for the corporatist state. Within that online dossier the subject has willingly given every single detail of their lives, and shared their most private thoughts. Those who think that their email is exempt from this collection of information are incredibly naive. The corporatist state has access to every word you type that is sent into the airwaves of the blogosphere and by cellphone or other electronic device. The Panoptic Maximum Security State is essentially complete. The only way to escape it is to drop off the grid. It is for all practical purposes IMPOSSIBLE to totally drop off of the grid. Your bank uses the grid to do business.
    You stand naked before the corporate state.

    Why are people banned from social media if it was set up for self biographical information collection? Because certain people have given all the information needed to complete their ‘Confession” as an ‘Enemy of the State’.



  19. Roundup ingredient found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other cereals
    FOX BUSINESS – Days after a California jury awarded a school groundskeeper more than $289 million in damages after he claimed Monsanto’s best-selling weedkiller Roundup gave him cancer, the controversial ingredient – glyphosate — has been detected in popular kids’ breakfast cereals, including Cheerios, Lucky Charms and Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, according to an activist group.

    Lab tests conducted by the left-leaning Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit advocacy group that specializes in toxic chemicals and corporate accountability, indicated almost three-fourths of the 45 food products tested detected high levels of glyphosate, which has been identified as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization in 2015.

    But makers of the foods EWG tested said they and their suppliers operate within U.S. government safety guidelines and dismissed the group’s findings as irrelevant.

    However, many EWG scientists consider levels higher than 160 parts per billion of glyphosate above the safety threshold for children.

    What’s more, about one-third of the 16 samples made with organically grown oats also had glyphosate, but at levels below EWG’s benchmark.

    Popular children items, including General Mills’ Cheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal, Lucky Charm’s, Kellogg’s Cracklin’ Oat Bran and Quaker’s Old Fashioned Oats, all had levels exceeding EWG’s safety guidelines.

    * But while those products exceeded the EWG’s threshold, they still fall within the EPA’s regulations, many food brands said.
    The central question should by WHY? Why are EPA regulations so lax on glyphosate?


    • By Dr. Mercola

      Conspiracy is defined as “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.” Discussing conspiracies is one of the fastest ways to be labeled a nut job, but the fact of the matter is that conspiracies do happen. Toxic industries have a long history of conspiring against the public good, and lately we’ve seen more and more proof of this reality in regard to toxic pesticides.

      Of course, I’m talking about glyphosate, and Roundup in particular — Monsanto’s flagship product. Over the years, Monsanto has been accused of — and in some cases found guilty of — lying about and/or covering up the harmful effects of Roundup. Now, the first of thousands of legal cases against Monsanto has resulted in victory, and the conspiracy to hide the truth is plain for all to see.

      Jury Rules Monsanto Responsible for Man’s Lethal Cancer
      August 10, 2018, a jury ruled in favor of the plaintiff, Dewayne Johnson,1,2,3,4,5 who claimed Monsanto’s Roundup caused his Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. According to the ruling, Monsanto “acted with malice or oppression” and was responsible for “negligent failure” by not warning consumers about the carcinogenicity of its product.

      Monsanto, which is now part of Bayer AG, has been ordered to pay $289 million in damages to Johnson. In the video below, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews lead trial counsel Brent Wisner about this groundbreaking case.

      He provides a fairly comprehensive summary of the arguments brought forth during trial, and why Monsanto’s rebuttal to the guilty verdict is wrong from start to finish. He also summarizes evidence revealing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working on Monsanto’s behalf. As noted by Rolling Stone:6

      “[Roundup] … is still on the market. That’s because the EPA, as recently as November 2017, declared the chemical harmless to humans. At trial, Johnson’s legal team was able to demonstrate, via internal emails, just how deeply Monsanto was involved in getting the EPA to reach that conclusion.”


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